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The IAEA board approved a resolution censuring Iran and urging it to enhance its collaboration with the United Nations watchdog.
According to Iranian State TV, Iran has condemned the decision made by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) board of governors to adopt a resolution criticizing Tehran as "rushed and unwise."
The resolution, put forth by Britain, France, and Germany but opposed by China and Russia, marks the first of its kind since November 2022. It urges Iran to increase cooperation with the IAEA and reverse its recent action of barring inspectors.
Although symbolic at this stage, the resolution aims to heighten diplomatic pressure on Iran, potentially leading to a referral of the issue to the UN Security Council. Iran has reacted strongly, labeling the motion as lacking legal, technical, and political grounds and threatening a "serious and effective response."
Past similar resolutions prompted Tehran to retaliate by removing surveillance equipment from its nuclear facilities and intensifying uranium enrichment activities. The IAEA has noted Iran's significant expansion of its nuclear program, raising concerns about its potential to develop atomic weapons.
European powers at the IAEA board meeting criticized Iran's nuclear program expansion as unprecedented for a state without a nuclear weapons program. They emphasized the importance of upholding the non-proliferation system and the credibility of international safeguards.
The resolution sends a "strong and renewed message of support" for the IAEA's efforts, stated Britain, France, and Germany, collectively known as the E3. They expressed hope that Iran would address the outstanding issues to avoid further board action.
Iran has gradually deviated from its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal, which provided sanctions relief in exchange for restrictions on its atomic program. Despite calls from Iran, Russia, and China to resume the deal's implementation, the US has rejected the assertion, blaming Iran for its refusal to abide by the agreement and engage in baseless rhetoric.
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