
  • 10 Mar, 2025

WHO expresses confidence in a pandemic treaty

WHO expresses confidence in a pandemic treaty

Last week, negotiators once again fell short in producing a draft deal

According to Reports, World Health Organization head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressed optimism on Monday about reaching a global pandemic treaty deal.

The negotiations, ongoing for over two years among the WHO's 194 member states, have aimed to establish new pandemic response rules following the Covid-19 outbreak, which the WHO estimates has claimed 13 million lives since 2019.

Despite negotiators failing to produce a draft deal for formal approval by the World Health Assembly last Friday, Tedros remains hopeful. He acknowledged the desire to have reached an agreement in time for the assembly but emphasized the collective determination to accomplish it.

Though discussions have faced challenges and divisions, with concerns raised over potential infringements on national sovereignty, Tedros maintains confidence in reaching a consensus. However, the process may extend for up to two more years, with ongoing talks to update existing disease outbreak protocols, including the introduction of a new tiered alert system.